
How to Build a Wood Fence

Wooden fence comes in a wide variety of styles. They can be constructed from pine, spruce, cedar, or cypress. They can be painted or stained in a color of your choice.Wood Fence

Choose pressure-treated wood to minimize damage from weathering and pests. It goes through an extra phase that forces chemicals into the wood to protect it longer than regular lumber.

The cost of wood fences depends on a variety of factors. The type of wood is one important determinant, with more durable types like cedar and white oak costing more than less durable options like pine and spruce. Also, some kinds of wood are harder to find than others, which can drive up the price. In addition, homeowners may want to add gates to their wooden fences, which can add $150 or more to the overall cost. It explains that this is because gates require extra posts and hardware and may require an automatic gate system. Finally, it’s important to consider the price of any extra labor for removing brush or existing fencing, which can add an average of $3 to $10 per linear foot.

When it comes to wood fences, the cost can vary greatly based on how long the fence is and what style of wood is used. The longer the fence, the more materials are needed. Additionally, the more complex a style is, the more expensive it will be to install.

For example, a shadowbox or trellis-style fence can be quite expensive to build, while a board-on-board style is much cheaper. In addition, some woods are more prone to decay or insect infestation than others, so it’s important to choose a kind that’s suitable for your local climate.

A wooden fence can be constructed in a number of ways, but the most common is a simple chain-link design. A basic chain-link fence can cost around $7 per linear foot, while a high-quality steel fence can run more than double that amount.

In addition to the price of the wood, other costs for a wood fence include the installation itself and any additional features or maintenance. These costs can be significant, so it’s important to factor them into your budget before starting the project.

Another expense is the staining or waterproofing of the wood, which can run about $5 per linear foot. This is necessary to protect the wood from rot, mold, and moisture damage. Staining is also useful for maintaining the classic, natural look of a wooden fence.


Depending on the type of wood and external forces like weather, a wooden fence can last for up to 20 years. However, the longevity of a wood fence depends on a number of factors, including how well it is constructed and the amount of care and maintenance that is provided. Generally, the most durable type of wood is cedar or redwood. They are less likely to rot or become insect-ridden than other types of wood. Alternatively, you can choose to have your fence constructed using pressure-treated wood, which has been treated with chemicals that help make it resistant to moisture, fungi, termites, and other pests.

Although cedar and redwood are more expensive than other types of wood, they offer a number of benefits that make them a worthwhile investment. For example, they are long-lasting and resistant to insects, and they can be cut into a variety of shapes and sizes to suit your needs. Additionally, these materials are easy to work with and require less maintenance than other kinds of fences.

Other types of wood that are commonly used for fencing include cypress, spruce, and pine. While these varieties are not as long-lasting as cedar or redwood, they can still withstand harsh climates and are much cheaper than other types of wood. Additionally, cypress is resistant to rot and has an attractive color that can add to the beauty of your home.

It is also important to note that wood fences will inevitably require repair and replacement of posts, rails, and pickets over time. This is especially true if your property has a lot of trees that produce an abundance of leaves. In addition, you should regularly check your fence to ensure that it is properly anchored in the ground and is not suffering from moisture damage.

To ensure that your wood fence remains protected against the elements, you should apply a waterproof stain or sealer to it every year. This will help prevent the rotting of the wood and protect it from UV rays and insects. If you are planning to paint your fence, it is recommended that you use an exterior oil-based paint and use an angled brush to apply the stain or paint evenly.


The right wood fence can add a lot to a home’s curb appeal. It can enhance privacy, safely corral children and pets, and block noise and wind. It can also serve a practical purpose, such as delineating property lines or preventing unsupervised dips in the pool. However, it is important to choose a style that matches your aesthetic preferences and budget. Before you start building your wood fence, it’s important to plan out the design. Use a tape measure or a measuring wheel to determine the exact perimeter of your property. This will help you make accurate pricing decisions. Also, be sure to consider your local fence height ordinances. Once you’ve figured out the layout of your fence, it’s time to purchase materials. Choose a type of wood and a design that will complement your home’s architecture. If you’re planning on staining your new fence, select a plank that has minimal to no knots. Excessive knotting can weaken the wood and lead to warping. It’s also a good idea to handpick planks from the lumberyard rather than have them delivered in bulk.

Traditionally, the most popular wood fence style is a dog-ear or cap-and-trim fence. These are functional and affordable, and they look great with a coat of paint or stain. If you want to create a more unique look, try a shadow box fence. This is a variation on the traditional picket fence, and it allows you to adjust the amount of light, privacy, and airflow in your yard.

Oak fences are another popular option, and they are a great choice for wet climates. This type of wood is slow-growing and durable, and it looks beautiful with a natural weathered finish. Oak fences are available in a variety of colors, including beige tones and rosy red shades.

Cypress wood is another common choice for wood fences because it’s resistant to rot and withstands wet climates. Its unique composition helps it resist insect infestation and naturally contains anti-fungal elements. The downside is that cypress is expensive and may not be an option in areas where it’s not available.


When you decide to install a wood fence, be sure to choose a professional contractor. A good contractor will warranty their work and guarantee that the fence is installed to industry standards. They should also be licensed and insured. Check your local listings for a contractor with a good reputation. Before beginning construction, read the project agreement carefully. It should include a detailed description of the work to be done and an itemized estimate of the total cost.

Before you start the installation, it’s important to know what you want your fence to look like and how much space it will need. Then, you can make a plan for the layout. Use a tape measure or marking paint to mark the dimensions of the area where you’ll be installing the fence. It’s also a good idea to consult with your neighbors before starting the process. They may require you to get a permit for the fence, or they might have existing fences on their property that you need to respect.

During the installation process, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions exactly. Using the right tools will help you avoid mistakes that could cause damage to your fence and hurt your home’s value. Wood fences require regular maintenance to keep them looking their best and functioning properly. The wood should be treated with a preservative to protect it from the elements. It’s also a good idea for homeowners to re-stain their fences every few years to prevent the wood from fading or becoming mildewy.

Wood fences can be made from a variety of materials, but the most popular are cedar and redwood. These types of wood are more resistant to insects and less likely to rot than other types. However, these materials are more expensive than other types of wood. If you’re on a budget, you can still build a beautiful fence by choosing a cheaper type of wood. In addition, you’ll need to consider the weather conditions where you live when selecting a wood fence. For example, a wood fence that’s exposed to direct sunlight will fade faster than one that’s protected from the sun’s harmful UV rays.